You might have noticed recently that more and more football players are using a combination of grip socks and football sock sleeves instead of the traditional long football socks. But do you know why they wear them this way? And how can you wear football sock sleeves to help improve your performance on the field and reduce the risk of injury?
Football sock sleeves
1. Why Wearing Football Sock Sleeves
Football sock sleeves are not just another piece of your football kits; they are essential for preventing injury and enhancing performance on the field. Understanding their significance and how to wear them correctly can make a substantial difference in your game.
- Injury Prevention
However, choosing to wear grip socks with football sock sleeves provides the enough pressure on the calves, ensuring muscle explosiveness and shin guard stability. It also helps to avoid the risk of injury caused by overly tight compression.

- Enhancing Performance

- Protecting your skin
I bet you've experienced it before. After a brilliant tackle, you find your leg scraped and bleeding, even though these minor wounds didn't affect your performance at the time, they sure torture you afterwards. During the week-long recovery of these wounds, even a slight touch of water during showers can cause intense pain. Moreover, there's the risk of leaving scars on your legs. Worse yet, if not careful, these wounds can become infected by bacteria, leading to more significant troubles. Therefore, football sock sleeves offer an extra layer of protection for footballers compared to just wearing grip socks, shielding them from getting their skin scraped by the turf when they fall or make sliding tackles.
2. Who is wearing football sock sleeves
Just from this week's matches, it's easy to see that the combination of Grip socks & football sock sleeves has become a popular choice on the professional stage.

3. How to wear football sock sleeves correctly?
- Step1 Buy or Cut

- Step 2 Try and Adjust

- Step3 Use Tape
The final step is to use tape. Wrap a few rounds of tape at the junction of the sock sleeves and grip socks to better secure the position of the shin guards.